Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Tutorial with George

Today I had a chat with George and she advised me to finish my book first, and then start making at least three double page spreads (splash pages) to insert in throughout the book. Then I can colour them and use them as prints for my portfolio and planning.

She also preferred the scales idea for the end-pages - or the one of Charlie and Autism together, as they relate more to the style inside the book. She also said to maybe put one of my illustrations on the front of the book, as it'll show my style inside the book consistently, instead of just the red page.

So I need to:

Finish book

Redesign front cover

Choose suitable end-page

Make and add 3 splash pages

colour splash pages

make prints of splash pages

Here's an idea of what I've been doing:

end of book

start of book  -I do think the red theme scales relate more to my story

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